Vai realizar-se, de 10 a 13 de Julho de 2018, a 9.º Conferência de Rádio: Forum Transnacional, na cidade de Prato, Itália. O evento é uma organização conjunta da Escola de Media, Cinema e Jornalismo, da Universidade de Monash, e da Rede MeCCSA de Estudos de Rádio
Segundo a organização
this year’s conference takes inspiration from its location in Italy and the ‘Free Radio’ movement’s push for greater access to media. In the 1970s, the Libertà d’antenna (Antenna Freedom) advocated strongly for media access by both civil society bodies and commercial interests, forcing an end to the state’s broadcasting monopoly. At the height of the movement, in mid-1978, more than 2000 independent radio stations were on air, making Italy the world leader in stations per capita. The movement not only freed up the Italian broadcasting landscape so new voices from across the political spectrum could be heard, but some stations also actively sought to break radio free from its established aesthetic through experiments in production technology, style and form.
Os autores são convidados a apresentar propostas que circulem em torno das seguintes considerações
‘free radio’ (in its broadest sense) in a contemporary mediascape where evolving forms, such as podcasting, are providing global audiences with unlimited free audio content and promises of increased access. Do recent radio/audio/sound practices and forms represent a state of being ‘free’ – free from dominant structures, commercial constraints, freedom from format and convention, freedom to participate and publish, messages of liberty, freedom and democracy, free voices? Alongside the contemporary, how can we reflect on the past? Notions of free radio have reached many corners – what can the diverse histories of radio/audio/sound media also teach us about the boundaries of practice, form and experience?
O prazo final para apresentação de propostas é 20 de Novembro. Para tal deve ser feito o registo na plataforma da conferência que pode ser encontrada aqui.